Happy Holidays! 2019 is almost over, another decade gone by, and we've been thinking of all the "firsts" the Stealth Wealth Family had this year. 2019 brought the first post on this blog! Indeed, we've started off slowly, but we did manage to get featured in a few posts by some of our favorite financial bloggers. Here are some notable links to our features on blogs you should know about, if you don't already: Can I Retire Yet (Best of the Web, September 2019)Physician on FIRE (Dawn's …
“School” At The Beach
The Stealth Wealth Family recently spent a few weeks in the US Virgin Islands, for both business and pleasure. As part of her sabbatical, Dawn decided to do some anesthesiology work at the governmental hospital in St. Thomas. After her assignment was complete, we moved over to the island of St. John for another week of fun in the sun. Aspen turns 4 this month. She’s not yet old enough to have been pulled out of school for a few weeks, but we know that families are often reticent to travel …
Book Review – Choose FI: Your Blueprint To Financial Independence
If you’re in the FIRE sphere or interested in financial independence and haven’t yet heard of the Choose FI podcast, you had better get to downloading and binge-listening now. Since starting their podcast in 2017, Brad Barrett and Jonathan Mendonsa have chronicled their own and many others’ journeys to FI. At the same time, they’ve built a nationwide community of like-minded people through an active Facebook group with local spinoffs, many of which hold monthly meetups. Chris Mamula, who …
Compare Yourself to… Your Former Self
We were all at the park the other day, and Aspen quickly slid down the slide that had given her fear months ago. Then she looked over at the pole. It was the type you'd see in an old firehouse - a straight vertical pole of hand-width diameter, extending from an arc off the top floor of the play structure down into the wood chips on the ground. "What's this for?" she said. It's for sliding down. Here, like this, with your legs wrapped around. "I can't," she said, while feebly pointing her …