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Living An Unexpected Life
It’s been a hot minute since we posted anything here, and we’ve been meaning to share our thoughts on how to buy the perfect piece of land for you. It’s…

RVs: Which Type Is Right For You?
With COVID travel restrictions and the summer months upon us, domestic travel and road tripping is soaring in popularity. The RV rental scene is blowing up, and we’ve noticed lots…

A Review of Liberty Healthshare, Two Years In
Health insurance. It’s a necessary evil if you live in the US, a significant cost and occasional deterrent for those who want to leave the rat race and FIRE. Investigating…

The Opportunity to Homeschool
The COVID-19 pandemic is a whole lot of badness. But one thing we keep thinking about as we try to navigate the scary: the unique opportunities that have come about…

Five Things To Do When Paying For Prescription Medications
(Featured image of medications courtesy It happens every time. Dawn goes to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions, and the prices are different. Higher. She could just accept the…
Five Things To Do When Paying For Prescription MedicationsRead More

Slow Family Travel – Panama’s Pacific Coast (pt 2)
Fruit Farm Eco Stay Continuing on our Pacific Panama land tour, the Stealth Wealth Family worked our way back towards Panama City from Playa Cambutal via Pedasi and landed at…

Slow Family Travel – Panama’s Pacific Coast (pt 1)
A Rustic Beach Stay in Cambutal After our epic sailing adventure aboard Saltair3, the Stealth Wealth Family traveled along the Pacific coast of Panama to Playa Cambutal. We found La…

The Stealth Wealth Family’s Sailing Adventure
Happy first month of 2020! Sorry for not posting this trip report sooner, but we’ve been busy Googling catamarans for sale… During the first week of January, the Stealth Wealth…

A Year of “Firsts”
Happy Holidays! 2019 is almost over, another decade gone by, and we’ve been thinking of all the “firsts” the Stealth Wealth Family had this year. 2019 brought the first post…