This post initially appeared on Dawn's personal blog, Our seeds for stealth wealth were planted in early adulthood, but Dawn's epiphanies on valueism and the finite resource of money as life energy didn't come until much later... Like the "before and after" pictures in a glossy magazine, the way I view money has recently undergone a makeover. Growing up, my family spent money on experiences such as eating out, music concerts, and vacations, but we also loved …
Who Is Stealth Wealth Family?
How did we get to where we are today? It starts with the story of a dilapidated trailer named Betty. Straight out of undergraduate engineering school, we set out to rock climb our way around the western US with Betty in tow. While doing this, we met climbers of all ages and walks of life who made their outdoor time a priority. Some of them worked as temp workers or manual laborers to maintain their lifestyle, while others were professionals actively seeking the right work situation to sustain …