We were all at the park the other day, and Aspen quickly slid down the slide that had given her fear months ago. Then she looked over at the pole. It was the type you'd see in an old firehouse - a straight vertical pole of hand-width diameter, extending from an arc off the top floor of the play structure down into the wood chips on the ground. "What's this for?" she said. It's for sliding down. Here, like this, with your legs wrapped around. "I can't," she said, while feebly pointing her …
The Stealth Wealth Family Manifesto
What is stealth wealth? In financial circles, it's not a new concept. The Millionaire Next Door, a classic book we read back in the late 90's, exemplified the idea by pointing out that many millionaires are unassuming. And they're millionaires in part due to their simplicity of choices for housing, cars, etc. Physician on Fire wrote an explanatory post about the concept in the early days of his blog. To us, the term wealth has rich meaning - both literally and figuratively. It's not just …